Lace? Yes, please!

I am sure I am going to be talking a lot about Facebook and the groups I am in. I have been enjoying the camaraderie from other women on a daily basis, so I encourage you to join if you are in need of bolstering your wraps. This leads me to my wrap today!

Last night, I got a package (yay!) of new product to try. In the b/s/t (buy/sell/trade) group Tichels, Scarfs and Sheitels Oh My!, a lady (of whom I am working on getting the contact details ***edit see below) was selling all sorts of colors of stretchy lace headbands for $3 a piece. She also added the incentive that if you buy 4, you get one free and shipping was included! Wow, 4 lace headbands for $9?! How can I refuse?!! How can I pick what colors, eh? She is working with a small family business that created these lovely headbands and mentioned that she will work on getting more! More! MORE! LOL, ok I’ve been fairly excitable lately, but I can’t help it. Who doesn’t like to get pretty things to add to their wardrobe? And lace is a staple for my wraps.

Today, I chose to wear the yellow lace and then paired it with darker, more subtle colors. I am really liking this one and I wasn’t sure initially if the colors were going to work; however, it seems that the pop of yellow works really well with the burgundy, plum and floral fabrics. And fabrics they are, since the burgundy and floral pieces are really fat quarters that were precut for quilting and the plum was leftover fabric from a dress I made for a bridesmaid dress. The only real scarf I wore was my “base” that you can’t even see!

Photo on 2-19-15 at 12.20 PM Photo on 2-19-15 at 12.24 PM Photo on 2-19-15 at 12.24 PM #2 Photo on 2-19-15 at 12.25 PM

So far, I think this lace headband is great! It is fairly wide for my head, I should have taken a photo before totally wrapping so you could see how it lays by itself. I will try to do that with the other colors I got, which are dark grey, pumpkin and tan. I am thinking that I want a maroon, a white, a black, a navy blue, a….

Ok, ladies! I have more reviews to come soon. I also got a new “invention” that makes wearing necklaces super easy, handmade by another Facebook head-wrapping lady.

Another exciting bit of news, I am putting together a public listing of women whom I’ve met on Facebook who are very skilled at headwrapping. My dream is a club/association/whatever you want to call it of women who are able to meet in person as a tichel tutor! Sometimes, it is hard to figure out where you are going wrong from a video so a helping hand can be just what you require. Or if you just want the camaraderie of other tichel-tying ladies. Or if you are brand-spankin’ new and need the warmth and support of someone in person. So, if this sounds exactly like something you would be interested in – either teaching or being taught – please leave a comment with the area in which you are located and if you could be a tutor, please leave me the information I can publicly post in the contact form below. I apologize, but this is for the USA only at the moment. G-d willing, one day internationally!


***Heather from Heather’s Hearth gave me this link to her Etsy shop. She’s updating the shop with what she had on hand now which will include the lace headbands but also other embellishments. Please message her with any questions. She does take checks if credit cards/Paypal isn’t your thing. I wanted to let you know that her stock is back on its way; however, this sale won’t last long, so hurry and order yours!

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